Run Knative

At, our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for developers who want to run Knative Kubernetes hosted functions as a service. We aim to offer a platform that is easy to use, reliable, and scalable, enabling developers to focus on building and deploying their applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Our goal is to foster a community of developers who share our passion for serverless computing and help them achieve their goals by providing the latest news, tutorials, and best practices. We believe that by empowering developers with the tools they need to succeed, we can drive innovation and create a better future for everyone.

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Knative is an open-source platform that provides a set of building blocks for building, deploying, and managing serverless applications on Kubernetes. Knative is designed to provide a consistent and seamless experience for developers, regardless of the underlying infrastructure. This cheat sheet provides an overview of the key concepts, topics, and categories related to running Knative Kubernetes hosted functions as a service.

Knative Concepts

  1. Serverless: Knative is a serverless platform that allows developers to focus on writing code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

  2. Kubernetes: Knative is built on top of Kubernetes, which provides the underlying infrastructure for running serverless applications.

  3. Functions: Knative provides a platform for running functions as a service (FaaS), which allows developers to write code that can be executed on demand.

  4. Events: Knative provides a platform for handling events, which allows developers to trigger functions in response to specific events.

  5. Containers: Knative uses containers to package and deploy functions, which allows for easy scaling and management.

Knative Topics

  1. Installation: To get started with Knative, you will need to install it on your Kubernetes cluster. There are several ways to install Knative, including using the Knative Operator, Helm charts, or manually installing the components.

  2. Serving: Knative Serving is a component that provides a platform for deploying and managing serverless applications. It allows developers to deploy functions as containers and provides automatic scaling and traffic management.

  3. Eventing: Knative Eventing is a component that provides a platform for handling events. It allows developers to trigger functions in response to specific events and provides a flexible and extensible event routing system.

  4. Build: Knative Build is a component that provides a platform for building container images from source code. It allows developers to build and deploy functions as containers without having to manage the containerization process.

  5. Monitoring: Knative provides a platform for monitoring serverless applications. It allows developers to monitor the performance and health of their applications and provides insights into how the applications are being used.

Knative Categories

  1. Getting Started: If you are new to Knative, the Getting Started category provides a step-by-step guide to installing and using Knative.

  2. Tutorials: The Tutorials category provides a series of tutorials that cover various aspects of Knative, including deploying functions, handling events, and building container images.

  3. Examples: The Examples category provides a collection of example applications that demonstrate how to use Knative to build serverless applications.

  4. Best Practices: The Best Practices category provides a set of guidelines and recommendations for building and deploying serverless applications on Knative.

  5. Troubleshooting: The Troubleshooting category provides a set of common issues and solutions for working with Knative.


Knative is a powerful platform for building, deploying, and managing serverless applications on Kubernetes. This cheat sheet provides an overview of the key concepts, topics, and categories related to running Knative Kubernetes hosted functions as a service. Whether you are new to Knative or an experienced developer, this cheat sheet will help you get started and build successful serverless applications.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Knative: An open-source platform for building, deploying, and managing serverless workloads on Kubernetes.
2. Kubernetes: An open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
3. Serverless: A cloud computing model where the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically provisions and scales resources as needed.
4. Functions as a Service (FaaS): A serverless computing model where developers write and deploy small, single-purpose functions that are triggered by events.
5. Cloud Native: A term used to describe applications that are designed to run on cloud infrastructure and take advantage of cloud-native services.
6. Microservices: A software architecture pattern where applications are broken down into small, independent services that communicate with each other through APIs.
7. Containers: A lightweight, portable, and self-contained unit of software that includes everything needed to run an application, including code, libraries, and dependencies.
8. Docker: A platform for building, shipping, and running containers.
9. Istio: An open-source service mesh that provides traffic management, security, and observability for microservices running on Kubernetes.
10. Helm: A package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment and management of applications.
11. YAML: A human-readable data serialization format used for configuration files in Kubernetes.
12. API Gateway: A service that provides a single entry point for multiple APIs and handles authentication, authorization, and traffic management.
13. Event-Driven Architecture: A software architecture pattern where applications respond to events generated by other applications or systems.
14. Cloud Events: A specification for describing event data in a standardized format that can be consumed by any cloud provider or platform.
15. OpenAPI: A specification for describing RESTful APIs in a standardized format that can be used to generate documentation, client libraries, and server stubs.
16. CI/CD: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, a software development practice where code changes are automatically tested, built, and deployed to production.
17. GitOps: A software development practice where infrastructure and application changes are managed through version control using Git.
18. Observability: The ability to monitor, measure, and understand the behavior of a system through metrics, logs, and traces.
19. Prometheus: An open-source monitoring system and time-series database used for collecting and querying metrics.
20. Grafana: An open-source visualization tool used for creating dashboards and visualizing metrics.

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